06 November 2011

Drop ur comment. ESSAY SPC panjang mak aii!

The name that was given to me is Muhamad Saufi bin Mohd Nor and I was born on the 5th of January 1994 sharp at 11.45 a.m.  When I was writing this essay, I realize how much I have grown and changed in the last couple of years. If there is one common occurrence which takes place for every single person in the diverse student body at MJSC Taiping or MJSC Pasir Salak, it is that we all grow up much faster for having lived there. This speeding up of the maturing process is generally good, because I definitely have benefited.

I have learnt to be a better person and until today I am still learning. I do not want to make MJSC sounds as if it produces the perfect students, because it does not. But the school deserves a lot of credit for its efforts because I am modified to better maximize my talents. I was given the chance to be one of the Student Disciplinary Board, Vice President for the Homeroom Exco, President for the Bahasa Malaysia Club, Secretary for the Archery Club, President of the College Debate Community and mentor for several subjects. I was also given the chance to speak out my minds when joining the Inter-MRSM Debate Competition, MRSM Language Week and also in the National Integrity Essay Competition. My achievement in these competitions shows the importance of learning. Learning is more important than grades.

 "Character can be measured not by one' s interaction with people who are better off than him or herself, but by one' s interactions with those who are worse off."  It was said a few years ago that if the human race is wiped out in the next  50 years it will not be because of the asteroid hitting the earth, but because of foreign policy and international relations. Put simply, international relations is about war and peace, conflict and cooperation, wealth and poverty, power and change, and understanding patterns of behavior between the actors in the world - from states, to presidents, to corporations.

Hence, I would like to further my studies in International Relations as this independent study provided a chance to really specialize in a subject and a career field. I could have a good career and at the same time contributing to the civilization of human. These can often be a valuable stepping stone for me in deciding on my future and develop new skills. It may also be possible for me to combine my international relations degree with the study of a language or a related humanities or social science subject, with joint three- and four-year degrees available. This may expand my career opportunities in an increasingly globalised world.

To further my studies, I ought to choose INTEC Shah Alam for preparation program and University of Queensland, Brisbane for my international relations degree. The primary reason for why I choose this university is its international reputation has been recognized by the awarding to UQ of one of only eight worldwide Rotary Centres for International Studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution. Therefore, I am very sure I am going to have a good exposure about international relations there.

Malaysia is currently looking for more international relations graduates. Courses in international relations look behind the headlines to the key players in world politics, asking what are the important ideas and how can we solve conflict or achieve cooperation. Thus, this will give me an opportunity to demonstrate my curiosity about global affairs and at the same time contribute to the human civilization. The first thing to resolve is the current social and environmental issues  such as the 7th billion human issue. With this kind of desire, I strongly believe that I can make the world a better place for all of us. With that, I end my writings with full of hope.

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