30 December 2010


talking about new year..of course org akn strt ckp tntg..
but not for me..
every year..ak xde azam un..
bcoz i believe that as long as we do something good..
our life would be just fine for the whole year..
thats for me.i dont know for u..
LASTLY,bjet dh new year.hihi
i would like to thank to this amazing people..bcoz of them i'm happy.bcoz of them i learned something..
THANK YOU GUYS..here is the ranking..

1) HAIRUL HAFIEZUL = he did taught me the meaning of life and true friendship..
2) ISMAIL AZMAN = he did taught me the importance of knowing someone carefully before judging them & the meaning of true love although his love is unacceptable
3) IBU = she did taught me a lot..no words to describe it.but you'll always remain TOP 3 in tis ranking forever
4) AYAH = he did taught me  the meaning of lobe and patience..specifically,for ur loves ones..u r such an amazing dad.
5) MY CLASSMATES = they did taught me the meaning of being good to others although u hate their behaviors..what a 4.0 class!
6) EYZA =  she did taught me how to be a good thinker..i really appreciated that.
7) KAKAK = u r such an amazing sis..be proud to be my BEST sis..
8) SPR MJSC TAIPING = they did taught me.a lot..on how to be a good leader..at least to myself..
9) ZUHAD = she did helped me a lot..although she never know..haha..thanks for making a part of my dream comes true..
10) ANYONE WHO KNOWS ME = without all of you,i'm very sure..i wouldn't be around anymore..

Last words from me..
THANKS everyone
lets celebrate 2011..
by thinking on how we could be a better person for the others..

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